Westmorland Gazette for 1880s, 1890s and beyond
The current coverage ends in 1869, and it would be great to see the rest of the century covered.

Thank you for your suggestion. Unfortunately we need an agreement with the copyright holder to digitise this. We are trying to negotiate this but be aware that it might take some time.
We hope to extend this title to include more recent material in the future.
John commented
18 months on, have you made any progress in the negotiations? This is a significant regional paper which I would dearly love to see made available. If this paper was added I'd have a reason to renew my subscription, as it currently stands not one newspaper from my wishlist has been added in the last two years.
Will Smith commented
Good to see some later Gazette issues online. Do we know if the 1880s might appear soon? I note at the present there are a few issues from the 1870s and 1890s.
Stuart Morgan commented
Coverage extending at least to the end of 1919 of the Westmorland Gazette is very top of my wish list. There is a lot I expect to find relating to the War years.
Going beyond this, to the second world war era would be even better.
Jane rimmer commented
Thanks for the feedback. I shall wait with baited breath for the copyright issue to be resolved. I believe that these years are covered by microfilm held at Kendal library, but can't be sure about it.
Anonymous commented
The W Gazette has been a major force in South Lakes for a long time.
It is poor that such a long period of time is not covered by the archive. -
Anonymous commented
you have no KM copies after 1870 & no Westmorland Gazette after 1867 so there is nothing for the whole of South Cumbria for the last third of the Nineteenth century & the early Twentieth
Sarah Reveley commented