Ellesmere Port Pioneer
There has recently been a resurgence of interest in the history of Ellesmere Port and the ‘Ellesmere Port Pioneer’ is the most detailed source of information from 1920 onwards.

Sharonsargent commented
Would be good to add the Ellesmere port pioneer as would like to search obituaries
Anonymous commented
Trying to find old football cuttings from 1971 to 1976 ,of John street United , Ellesmere Port town , and the Grange school, in Ellesmere Port,
Anonymous commented
Trying to find school football team photograph from 1962 of Grange Secondary Comprehensive
Anonymous commented
launched as an independent paper in 1920 and closed by Trinity Mirror in 2018, this newspaper would be a real asset in the Archive. Can't wait to see it happen!
Sam kelly commented
Yes really need to see this newspaper!
Anonymous commented
Was famous for its amateur boxers Dwyers, Raffertys Devines Jones yet cannot find any thing relating to them They all boxed for the original Vauxhall Motors ABS. Run by Bill Jackson and others. Would love to read about these lads
elizabeth white commented
'The Pioneer' was essential reading in our home when I lived in the Port and heaven help me if I forgot to pick it up for Mum. She grew up with the newspaper and more often than not knew someone or other mentioned within its pages. Now, it is an essential reference for me in my endless quest for my family roots.
Anonymous commented
Please digitize the last remaining microfilms of this important Ellesmere Port newspaper.
Anonymous commented
This is the only newspaper covering Ellesmere Port during its formative years - a true piece of our Local History which many People (including schoolchildren) woud like to access for Local and Family Research into the past of this very important emerging Town of the early 20th Century.
Anonymous commented
Ellesmere Port has a vibrant Local History group that has researched and produced various documents about the Port. Digital records would be well-used not only by the group but the many families with connections to the area. The town's history demonstrates its many industries from corrugated iron, flour mills, paper manufacture to car manufacture. Newer residents will also benefit from opportunities to learn about their new home town.
Anonymous commented
Lately the news seems to be more of Chester news not enough local
Janet Poulton commented
Reading my grandfather's obituary in the Pioneer gave me the names of other family members and so my family history research began.
John Hickey commented
Ellesmere Port is not just a blue sign you drive past on your way to Cheshire Oaks, Chester or even Liverpool. To its residents, Ellesmere Port remains an industrial town that is consistently changing to meet the needs of a the 21st century. Ellesmere Port is now the home of Cheshire Oaks and we still build the Vauxhall. To local historians the Ellesmere Port Pioneer has recorded daily life for over 90 years. The newspaper and microfilm has become an invaluable tool that documents recent history including the ups and downs of life in an industrial town. Having seen in 1 millennium I would love to have this information digitized as it would enable future generations the opportunity to look back and laugh at the way it used to be. Changing times!!
Anonymous commented
Urgently needed as very little other material on this large industrial town in our Local Studies Library on Ellesmere Port. Microfilm impossible to read at times and now inappropriately sited.
Anonymous commented
Very little is written about the history of Ellesmere Port - originally a canal town formed in 1795. It has a fascinating story which our local history society is desperately trying to record before the memories are gone. The Pioneer has already proved our most valuable source but only from paper cuttings past librarians have diligently collected. Much has been missed. We think we have funding for a series of booklets up until the end of 2016 so going through the microfilm is far too slow. 3 substantial booklets already written and proving very popular but much more needed. Celia Webber