London Evening Standard
after 1949

Deanna commented
Please add the paper
Mike commented
After 1950
I’d like to see the inclusion of this
Patricia Mitchell commented
Please add more of this paper... it covers so much history and news!
Bobby commented
Primed and ready to go can’t see why this isn’t being considered
Charlie commented
Intercept the Middlesex dominance and add more prevailing East and central London papers
Ama commented
Expand your current holdings
Haven Greening commented
Seek to add this to your archives
Charity Smith commented
This could do with a revamp don’t you think ?
Bianca commented
Please strive to add more
Rumni commented
Can’t believe this hasn’t been added very disappointing
Ronnie commented
Still no progression with adding any more recent London titles shame because being the capital and storing so much history I thought we’d of been one of the first
Marie Lewis commented
London’s premier paper and the only one which covered all corners of the capital a class above many other daily papers update duly warranted
Rick commented
Criminal not more major London papers have been added surely being the capital and the largest city should constitute to laying on more
Jules commented
Yes this nedds to be updatef
D JOHNSON commented
Cannot believe you do not have on record London's oldest evening paper, founded 1827.
Ken MacGowan commented
Crucial for some information about the end of WWI
Andrei Vasiliu commented
Hello, I'm writing to ask whether you could also digitise newspapers such as „Daily Mail”, „Daily Express”, „Evening Standard”. Apart from their importance at the time, they are also valuable today, especially for researchers such as myself, as they provide important articles, such as those written by Winston Churchill or David Lloyd George in the Inter-War period.
Thank you and congratulations for this oustanding project!
Andrei Vasiliu, Târgoviște, Romania