I think it would be a good idea to look at adding music papers such as the NME and Melody Maker as well as others, the stories and history of music and bands is in the pages of these papers and that is as interesting and important as other history in the newspapers on your files.

Anonymous commented
Add Melody Maker please especially 1940 to 1960
Ian commented
I would subscribe immediately if they did this! I contacted them with a similar suggestion recently and got nowhere.
Anonymous commented
Some libraries have Rock's Backpages which covers all the music press https://www.rocksbackpages.com/
Anonymous commented
Have you seen Rock's Backpages? https://www.rocksbackpages.com/
Many universities have it, and some UK public libraries -
Anonymous commented
Yes - it would be great to see the NME and Melody Maker on line, particularly from the 1970s and 1980s
Chris commented
Probably one for the future but I'd like to see things like the New Musical Express,Melody Maker etc.