Salford Coverage
Allocate more Salford coverage
jJDJdj commented
Still nothing for Salford shame shame shame large industrial important area
Gaz Shaw commented
Salford Chronicle too (mid–late 1800s)
[Deleted User] commented
What a pity that not a single Salford newspaper was available for the item on the Salford Lyceum on the **************************** programme! It highlighted the absence on your site.
Dominic commented
Please add Salford newspapers - Salford Courier, Salford City Reporter and Weekly News
Ray Phillips commented
The Salford City Reporter another useful newspaper
Jim Fieldhouse commented
Any Salford additions would be most welcome.
Frank commented
It's about time that we had some newspapers from around this area. The Salford City Reporter would be a good start.
Anonymous commented
Any Salford newspapers as this area of Manchester is sadly lacking. Thanks
JEAN SANDERS commented
Gap in family history with family in Salford
Margaret commented
I agree with Mary, and or all of the Salford newspapers would be a useful and relevant addition.
Mary commented
Or any of the old Salford newspapers, such as Weekly News or Salford Chronicle. Seems a huge omission for such a large historic City not to be included on the website as yet.
Mary commented
Salford Courier