Sheffield titles
Sheffield Register c. 1787-1794. Most radical newspaper outside London, supporting Parliamentary reform.

steve cole commented
Would be great to receive more Sheffield coverage online taking us right up until the 1990s
Vix Lewins commented
A complete catalogue of the star would provide such a great insight to the cities past
Ken commented
Any later years would be great
David Clarke commented
The coverage for Sheffield's morning/evening paper on the archive is currently patchy/non-existent from 1932 onwards. We're missing most of the 1930s, 40s (WW2 era) and postwar apart from 2 years (1939 and 1950). As Sheffield is England 4th largest city it would be useful to have access to WW2 coverage please! (given that Yorkshire Post/Evening Post is available for this period)
David Clarke commented
Sheffield Morning Telegraph and the Star city final 1960s-90s would be an excellent resource online (I worked as a reporter for the Star 1994-2000)
Jason commented
Sheffield needs far greater support please
George sibley commented
We definitely need more information for both Bradford and Sheffield to connect up more dots of our past history
Zena commented
Sheffield Mercury
Morning Telegraph etc any Sheffield coverage into the 1980’s history -
Eric Wickes commented
Very unsatisfactory coverage for such a large influential city shame you dedicate most of your time adding small town papers with little readership figures
Gail Weston commented
Please commit to publishing large scale reports from the Sheffield Telegraph and Star and the Nottingham Evening Post late 20th century editions
Dione commented
Create further accounts so when can understand our past history better
Leona commented
Little of Sheffield’s history and a available can we see more nuggets to resonate more with our past , need details on Thornseat Lodge
Fleur commented
Would be hugely popular surprised at lack of content for Sheffield’s papers
Charles Oakley commented
Please offer larger variations online
Celeste commented
To journal more Sheffield history online
Frank Taylor commented
Document in chronological order from the 1950’s to explore further our local history
Hugh commented
Sheffield Chronicle
Weekly Star etc anything to bolster Sheffield coverage online -
Charlene commented
Please approve further supply of admissions online we are barely covering the bare minimum of Sheffield history presently
Jeremy commented
Significant increase in coverage please for Sheffield based papers online
Jacqueline commented
Can we finally see any updates??
Not great Sheffield coverage when compared to others