Civil Service Gazette
This journal is a mine of information for those with research interests involving Victorian civil servants. Published from 1853 to 1926 it includes lists of vacancies and promotions and , more unusually, reflects views and opinions within the ranks of the civil service. The earlier decades in particular provide valuable and often unique evidence of working conditions and industrial relations inside the pre-unionised Civil Service. Also includes general news coverage. The BL bound volumes of the Civil Service Gazette are the ONLY surviving copies of this journal I have been able to find for the period from 1853 to 1907 (the British Postal Museum and Archive has a run from 1907 into the 1920s).

Anne commented
Strongly agree with this comment. The Civil Service has been and still is a major employer in the UK. However, most of the easily available information relates to more senior members of its staff, which make up only a small percentage of the workforce. Publications such as the Civil Service Gazette help to provide a more rounded view of the organization and its history.