Wigan Observer
Wigan observer

alanitscoldoutside commented
more please, so frustrating when you are so closw!
Paul commented
Lol you most probably will be ,before that though, jim hang on in there for more papers from Jamaica, Hawaii, Trinidad, St Kitts and the Falklands as this page seems to of forgotten it’s roots , I’m after the Bolton news, Oldham chronicle and Manchester Evening News myself but I may well join you in the obituaries before they ever receive any updates
jimlad68 commented
We waited ages for Wigan Observer and District Advertiser but it only goes to 1918, and has been like that for ages.
So little for the North West.At this rate I will be in the obituaries first!
Ruslan C Pashayev commented
Would be lovely to see the Wigan Observer 1910-1935 added soon. Thanks.
Wendy commented
Would be pleasing to see more
Ellis@yahoo.com commented
Add more
Tory commented
Compose more date s
Lewis commented
Align more years
Iwona commented
More recollections
Hollie commented
More dates please complete series
Hannah commented
Need more of Wigan online
Ross commented
Be good to see more titles added
El chappo commented
Wigan Post please post 1950s
Terence Aspinall commented
Update 1919 onwards
Anonymous commented
The only dedicated Wigan newspaper in its day
Keith Bowen commented
I would seriously consider continuing my subscription in order to view this newspaper
David Carroll commented
I have held back on subscribing because of the lack of papers for Wigan. I would like to see the Wigan Observer and Wigan Examiner on here.
alanitscoldoutside commented
as I said on the other title, yeh bawt time, Wigan first please, our ancestors didn't get around other parts that much
fredy commented
come on we can read up here.
jimlad68 commented
About time we got something from this area, been waiting ages. Is there a possible "hit list" with an idea of when they will be available, why pay a sucscription when we have no idea when they will be available?