The Christian World
Published from 1857 to 1961 and held in the British Library, The Christian World was one of the most important newspapers published by the Cngregational community. It includes obituaries and news about all sorts of events as well as specific news from a variety of congregations not just Congregationalists. Incredible WW1 coverage including many obits
Title: The Christian World.
Subjects: London (England) -- Newspapers ;
Dewey: 072.1
Place Name: England London.
Edition: Main ed..
Identifier: System number 013928722
Creation Date: 1857
Holdings Notes: Newspapers :no.1-5448 (9 April 1857 - 28 Sept.1961)
Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection 1857 Microform. MFM.M21595 [1857]
UIN: BLL01013928722