Kelso Chronical
Local happenings in Kelso near to the English border and Information wanted to read about my ancestors who were Baronets and Officers in the British Army. Their emigration to Jamaica, their skirmishes in the American war and their lives in the town of Kelso from 1763-1829. Kelso Chronical, Kelso Mail etc
Anonymous commented
I'm waiting for the years 1832-1843 and 1848 to come available. Very valuable for my early years athletics study.
Anonymous commented
Local happenings in Kelso near to the English border and Information wanted to read about my ancestors who were Baronets and Officers in the British Army. Their emigration to Jamaica, their skirmishes in the American war and their lives in the town of Kelso from 1763-1829. Kelso Chronical, Kelso Mail etc