Yorkshire Evening Post

Vix Lewins commented
There’s still a Disappointing lack of Leeds coverage
Dione commented
Leeds should be covered to a far greater extent
Tina Jayne commented
Can we see new activity we seem to be a forgotten region , tons of smaller towns coverage far outweighs Leeds
John commented
Leeds history is our history please post additional pages
Terry chelswood commented
More outlets please archive more information online
Libby brown commented
Open up more years with Leeds exclusives please
Valerie commented
Leeds remains underdeveloped this paper has had repeated requests but as of yet nothing has been presented in years whilst you continue adding more and more overseas publications very frustrating.
Jacob king commented
Discover more information online
Jacqueline commented
Can we see a cyclopedic chronicled dairy of Leeds important past
Vera pocock commented
Can we see Leeds highlighted in greater detail on this page
Jeff lowe commented
Leeds should be explored in greater context
Adele commented
Please connect more with Leeds fine past so we can maintain a greater platform to view our past
Tom commented
Cover larger portions of our past history
Tom commented
Improve and provide a greater platform to the local archives
Jeremy Rolly commented
Leeds illustrious past needs greater attention
Susan commented
A historic city with a riveting past we can’t gain information unless you publish more of Leeds history
Susan commented
More of Leeds past needs sharing information from the paper is hard to access
Cathy Ford commented
Leeds a sprawling metropolis with sparse coverage increase the collections
Anna timpson commented
Enlist more support for the archives
Anna timpson commented
Submit more responses engulfing our local history Leeds deserves better coverage