Bath Journal
This newspaper is an important source of information about Bath in the first half of the 18th century. It was also different politically from the Bath Chronicle.

Jenny Wild commented
Bath during this time was so popular with British society this would be a valuable resource
Rosalind Johnson commented
See article, pp. 57-72 in The Local Historian, vol. 49, no. 1 (January 2019) on local newspaper censuses of church attendance, Oct. 1881 to Mar. 1882. These censuses covered many (not all) towns in England, Wales and Scotland. Keene's Bath Journal is one of the local newspapers listed. It included census results for some Wiltshire towns, inc. Bradford-on-Avon and Chippenham.
Anonymous commented
It really is important that you get this paper online. It is one of the earliest newspapers in the country and will have information that everyone will find useful. At least check with Bath Record Office to find out if they have the negatives.
Anonymous commented
As I've notified the BNA, the Bath Central Library has a complete run of the originals. They also have microfilms but I think they are positivies only. Worth checking.
Martin Willis commented
I support digitisation of the Bath Journal (variously known as Boddeley's Bath Journal and Keene's Bath Journal) which was - to my knowledge - published continuously by the same [BODDELEY/KEENE] family from ~1743 to 1916 (when it was absorbed into the Bath Herald.)
Currently, the only Bath newspaper represented on BNA online is the Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette. The Bath Journal was published through the C18th heyday of Bath and known as the liberal competitor to Cornelius Pope's Bath Chronicle.
My understanding is that an almost complete series of the Journal exist in the BL newspaper archives, however only a tiny fraction of issues are available on microfilm elsewhere.