Leicester Mercury
Please the Leicester Mercury or the chronicle 1919 to 1939
Lisa commented
Nominate further approvals for the local archives
Laurel commented
Provide all inclusive coverage and support Leicester has only partial coverage
Neil commented
Absorb more of the papers later issues the archives containing the 1950-90’s are essential for research
Nikki ostwald commented
Better Leicester portrayal is a must !
Diane commented
Designate future instalments of the 1980’s for the Mercury if you would
Veronica Hartman commented
Submit more comprehensive coverage online no new information added in years yet Liverpool seems to receive update after update frustrating
Sue commented
Please give our local paper newer issues online !
Alan commented
More post 1950 Leicester updates
Mick commented
Disclose the 1960-80’s issues
Pat commented
Accelerate digitising more of the archives
Toby commented
Portray more of our important history
Glenda commented
Large array of new additions please
Reg commented
I lived in Melton Road up to 1958 and cannot recollect Atherton House. Would guess it must have been on thrvMount somewhere.I’d like to find this out
Polly commented
Add 1955-1985 historic material please
Jerry commented
Whilst it’s good you are releasing some Leicester papers the Mercury was the main paper for the city I’d like to see progress made with adding later content
Rosaline commented
Reveal more information
Jake commented
Extend this Leicester Mercury great paper
Yasmin commented
Yes please
Alison commented
Digitise the full coverage
Anee commented
Scan more dates taking us into the 1990’s