An exact search should be just that. Don't revert all capitals to lower case.
When searching for a person's name,e.g. David T Fulton, the name as a whole should be searched for. The name in the search box should remain capitalised as entered.

Anonymous commented
I agree with this idea. Additionally, this can be solved using "Regular Expression" (regex) technology, which is free.
I explain more in my suggestion on this site at -
Martin Watson commented
Absolutely. Also it is often important to include or exclude punctuation. Searching for a ship called "MARYS", I don't want MARY'S as well. Again, searching for "GEORGE LOUGHBOROUGH" I don't want "xxxxx George, LOUGHBOROUGH"
Sue commented
Yes, I agree wholeheartedly. When I search the surname Gare, I get hundreds of irrelevant articles including the words 'gave'+ 'gate', even ci(gare)tte and mar(gare)t- any words with gare in them. If the capital stayed, this wouldn't happen. Very frustrating. I have contacted them, but they say they don't know why this happens. Surely they can find some one to fix it!