Dartford Chronicle
Tony Brown commented
Trying to research the Dartfiord Fotball Ground. Microfilms at library are so badly deteriorated that can't read
Gloria Biggs commented
Please Dartford Chronicle
Tony Brown commented
Zero - That is BNA's "Latest Additions" for Dartford
Tony Brown commented
Week after week titles that have already some digitisation done, get added to by "Newly added".
I just do not understand the logic of how you "spread" the work across UK .. and further afield. If you look geographically there seem to pockets of towns/areas that have had a wonderful digitisation programme; yet others, like Dartford. and Swanley have had zero, zero zero digitisation done.
Please explain the logic in it -
Tony Brown commented
Looking at the votes on other newspaper it would seem that the Dartford Chronicle must be coming up for digitising very soon - Hooray!
Tony Brown commented
I shall be riddled with arthritis or Dementia, or both before you gety arouynd to doing Dartford and north kent bordering on London
Tony Brown commented
The gateway to London's history, yet none are digitised yet. Seems rather strange
Please do as soon as possible, -
Jamie commented
Yes, please add Dartford! All the way back to the 1700s would be awesome!
Anthony Brown commented
There is not a dicky-bird of information relating to Dartford on here. It is very poor and slow response to quite a high vote from 2019 and 2020. Yet still the Irish papers keep flooding in!
Michael Barker commented
Excellent idea
C Kilgallen commented
Adding these Dartfprd newspapers would be an excellent addition
Anonymous commented
This would be a very useful resource for all those doing family research.
Anonymous commented
It would be interesting to see examples of this newspaper. I have gleaned much interesting information from past newspapers; not only from articles but also from advertisements and football scores.
Anonymous commented
Any Dartford paper would be brilliant to help research my Great Aunties deaths in WW2.
Shirley Greaves commented
Yes I would like to see the Dartford & Swanley Chronicle to check out family history articles etc. would be invaluable when a person is now resident overseas.
Anne R commented
Yes please I'd like to see the digital versions of the Dartford Chronicle and Dartford Reporter from the past, so I can find out the sort of people my ancestors were. Thank you.
Kevin F Reynolds commented
Would like to see the digital versions of the Dartford Chronicle and Dartford Reporter from the past, do like cross referencing local stories from bygone days
Anonymous commented
Conducting historical research has to rely on ALL forms of information. Local papers are invaluable as they contain a mix of importance and trivia. No one will have the same opinion on which is which when they conduct research into their chosen topic.
John Hood commented
A valuable research resource for local history and family research particularly for those who have moved away and unable to access records held in Dartford library.
Anthony Brown commented
The population of Dartford as a market town has risen constantly through the 20th century and is the gateway and link between South-east London and Kent so has extra importance to the wider area. The Dartford Chronicle also included Swanley so has a massive catchment area.