Inverness Courier
The Inverness Courier from 1817 onwards is on microfilm at Inverness Library. The BNA holds digitised copies up to 1909. It would be great to see this more comprehensively digitised as it is the principal newspaper for the Highlands. My interest is in family history - there are many people all over the world who have their roots in the Highlands of Scotland. Newspapers are a fantastic resource for family historians and it would be amazing to see more editions of this newspaper on the BNA for us all to enjoy!
IAM commented
For family history in the Highlands, this is a crucial source.
Hamish Mackenzie commented
Your coverage of these very useful papers is somewhat erratic -e.g. much of the 1870s and all of the 1880s is missing
Hamish Mackenzie commented
This is the premier newspaper of the Highlands, an area with very poor coverage by the Archive. There are complete issues up to the late 1860s, but then a poor and seemingly random coverage, which is most frustrating for students of Highland history.