News of the World
Some may laugh but the NoW is an invaluable source of extra information regarding court cases in particular, providing colour and additional background information on the protagonists. Don't underestimate its value to the historian/researcher - whether amateur or professional. If you don't believe me then compare and contrast a Times report with the same case in the NoW.
I'm especially keen for access to the archive from the early half of the 20th century.
Please lend your support.

Maria commented
I support this nomination and thanks for the very interesting information shared by 'Anonymous'.
Anonymous commented
News Of The World
I find it astonishing that this title has not yet been digitised. Yet it was one of the most important newspapers in Britain. Established in 1843, by 1914 it was selling a million copies a week! In its peak year, 1949, the circulation averaged close to 8.5 million. It was and is highly important because it covered court cases and other news which no other newspaper would touch. Please can we upvote this asap!
Keith shaw commented
I need to know if my father Joshua Shaw played cricket for the County Express 1928 -1940 ? thanks Keith.
Bernard Taylor commented
This was a national newspaper, with wide appeal, and should be available.
Bernard Taylor commented
It's all very well getting all the little local papers, but the national papers are invaluable.
Anonymous commented
I need to access News of the World from 1929 to 1932