Hampshire Chronicle
Very frustrating that the pages for the Hants Chronicle end at 1830. To be of full use the pages from 1831-1918 would be a great addition.

Elizabeth Newport commented
Yes, it would be very helpful to have post 1830 editions digitalized.
Derek Whitfield commented
I have been researching World War One Winchester - viewing the Hampshire Chronicle on microfilm at the Hampshire Records Office has just about finished my eyesight!! Please, please, please add the Chronicle for 1831-1918 - and beyond if possible.
Eleanor Waterhouse commented
Great idea - this would be very helpful
Julia Sandison commented
A full archive would be such an asset for researchers.
Anonymous commented
Hampshire Chronicle - Especially 1914-1918
Laura Sykes commented
Yes, particularly in the absence of the Andover Advertiser, for example.
Jonathan Walker commented
I agree