Catholic Newspapers printed in Britain
In the late 19th & early 20th centuries, there were over 30 Catholic newspapers published in Britain, mainly for the Irish Catholic community living in Britain, eg Irish Tribune, Preston Catholic News, Glasgow Observer & Catholic Herald, Tyneside Catholic News, Catholic Times & Catholic Opinion, etc. Few copies of these titles have survived beyond The British Library's collection.

Anonymous commented
The Weekly Herald despite its short run (1888 to 1893) covers London Irish and Catholic politics and news at an important time in Irish history - namely the lead-up to and fallout from the fall of Parnell. It offers a very different take on Catholic events to The Tablet, and also to the way the great mythologist Yeats recalled the Irish Revival of these years. The BL holds the paper on microfilm, so it wouldn't be too hard to digitise quickly!
Gifts Valla commented
An evil-eye Rakhi is a quasi-universal symbol representing protection in Greek. People wear evil eye prominently in West Asia and the Mediterranean. Representing bad luck or bad stare for a person, the evil eye directs dislike or envy. The protective measures taken against this natural phenomenon of bad stare or look, wearing an evil eye protects the wearer from the evil spirits and bad elements. Buying an evil eye Rakhi for brothers on Raksha Bandhan will protect him from evil energies, negative elements, and evil stares.
Peter Hirtle commented
I could not agree more! Furthermore, the copy of the paper at the BL is the only copy listed in WorldCat. The inaccessibility of this paper means that it has been sorely underutilized in Anglo-Fenian studies.
Anonymous commented
The Universal News was published in London for nine years between December 1860 and December 1869. It originated as a co-operative effort between Irish and English Catholics to produce a newspaper which, though essentially secular, was to be imbued with a religious sensibility. The great majority of Catholics, however, were by this stage overwhelmingly Irish and wanted news of Ireland and Irish politics. This was not necessarily to the taste of all, so from the outset a balancing act was required between the wants and needs of English and Irish Catholics. This was not to be without its problems, for as the decade progressed and the struggle developed between a secular Irish nationalism and church and state, divisions deepened. The Universal News quickly became a paper for Irish Catholics, spanned a turbulent decade and mirrored in its own history both the internal and external struggles of the Irish in England. Furthermore, the history of the Universal News demonstrates the centrality, in Irish journalism in England, of the influence of the church, and the central question for the press of the migrants was how, in a hostile political environment, to produce and sustain newspapers that were at the same time secular but operated within a system of distribution particularly sensitive to clerical control.
J O Maynard commented
It has a wealth of information about the Catholic community in London.
Anonymous commented
Has "The Universe" appeared yet please?
Gerard Madden commented
Would love to see the Irish Catholic and the Scottish Catholic Observer added.
Gerard Madden commented
Would recommend adding the Irish Catholic and the Scottish Catholic Observer to increase the BNA's coverage of Catholicism in Britain and Ireland.
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
Also the Catholic Fireside - many uncollected stories by well known writers.
Mick commented
I am researching my adoptive grandfather's life and would appreciate sight of an article entitled Young 88 from 1962.
Has the archive been digitised yet? -
Anonymous commented
The Catholic Pictorial published in Liverpool
Anonymous commented
Very useful for those undertaking family reserach into forebears who were Roman Catholic
Liverpool Catholic commented
Still no Catholic newspapers printed in Britain. Are they ever going to be added to your digitisation plan?
Liverpool Catholic commented
Catholic newspapers printed in Britain. Any news re their digitisation?
Liverpool Catholic commented
Still no Irish Tribune. Is it even on the list to be digitised?
Liverpool Catholic commented
Are there plans to digitize any of these Catholic titles, particularly Newcastle's Irish Tribune, in the next few years?
Liverpool Catholic commented
Any news re adding Newcastle's Irish Tribune - the first newspaper printed in England for Irish Catholics?