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7 results found

  1. The Graphic 1913

    The entire year is missing from what is otherwise a fairly complete the run.

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  2. Dundee Perth & Cupar Advertiser

    Filling the gap 1836-1838 would be useful though the Dundee Courier for these dates or better 1836-1843 would also ideally fill a gap not covered elsewhere.

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  3. Perthshire Constitutional & Journal

    You have uploaded 1914-1916 but i am really in need of 1916-1919 Do have plans to add these years?

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  4. Britannia and Eve 1930

    There is a one year gap in your collection of this publication. Is this an oversight or do the publishers not have it?

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  5. Catholic Newspapers printed in Britain

    In the late 19th & early 20th centuries, there were over 30 Catholic newspapers published in Britain, mainly for the Irish Catholic community living in Britain, eg Irish Tribune, Preston Catholic News, Glasgow Observer & Catholic Herald, Tyneside Catholic News, Catholic Times & Catholic Opinion, etc. Few copies of these titles have survived beyond The British Library's collection.

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  6. Gibraltar newspapers

    There are significant population movements to and from UK

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  7. More newspapers from the Greater London area

    At the moment, there are not a lot of newspapers from the Greater London area. We should add more.

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