Darwen News

Anonymous commented
World home of professional football
Anonymous commented
Astonishing that the birthplace of professional football is not represented in the BNA.
Anonymous commented
The birthplace of professional football
Anonymous commented
Darwen is the birthplace of professional football. The local newspapers would be a wonderful resource for charting its development.
See - The English Game, Julian Fellowes, Netflix
Anonymous commented
The Northern Daily Telegraph
Anonymous commented
The Darwen News was a very popular news paper for entering announcements of soldiers deaths WW1
Anonymous commented
Town of 40,000. Major industrial and sporting contribution. First club to employ professionals. Origin of “cup fever’ as team of millworkers took on the Old Etonians.
Anonymous commented
The most important industrial centre in the North West, and there's no coverage here. Please can we have this paper digitalised.
Anonymous commented
Major large industrial town late 19th, early 20th century. Population 40,000. Home of the first football club to employ professional.
Anonymous commented
Please can you publish this paper.