Lloyds List
The oldest UK newspaper & full of shipping details of interest to family historians
We are delighted to report that we now have Lloyd’s List from 1801 to 1884 live on the site.
hollander.hm commented
Wonderful news. I'm delighted. Thank you very much indeed
Virginia commented
I would love to be able to use this for maritime research.
Captain Peter H King commented
One of the finest mercantile marine research tools! What a blessing to be able to dial it up from wherever, rather than go cross-eyed on micro-film!
Anonymous commented
I agree for the Lloyd's List which is and ecellent source of data for shipping research.
Anonymous commented
Good, I have 2 Master Mariners to look up!
Anonymous commented
If you're interested in Lloyd's List, you should also consider Lloyd's Weekly Shipping Index; it nicely compliments the List.
Anonymous commented
I support many of the comments. Yes, it is unique. Also a valuable and essential source in understanding not just shipping but the places they visited with Consul reports from far flung corners
Philip Murphy commented
it is the number one resource for anyone interested in maritime history
Anonymous commented
Very useful for finding all ship journeys whether royal navy or merchant ships, packet mail ships etc. cargoes, ship losses, weather etc. etc.
Anonymous commented
From 1826 onwards please
Anonymous commented
1741 to 1826 appear to have been digistised alraedy; see: http://www.maritimearchives.co.uk/lloyds-list.html
Anonymous commented
With all due respect, never mind 'family historians' - digitization of Lloyds List would be of immense value to those researching the history of maritime trade.
Dave Waller commented
THE most important maritime resource, whether for maritime research or for genealogy.
W. J. Harvey commented
Fully concur with the previous two comments.
Chris Maxworthy (Sydney, Australia) commented
yes, totally agree that Lloyd's List from earliest issue needs to be digitized.
David Asprey commented
The longest-running British newspaper, with material unavailable elsewhere - it was never syndicated around the country. A unique source for anyone with a maritime connection in their family - seafarers, emigrants, immigrants - and for shipping research generally.