Exact searching
Because words like "and", "of" etc. seem to be used as operators, I often can't use them in the way I'd like. For example, I want to search for the EXACT phrase "The Horse and Hounds". At the moment, I can't see how to do it.
I would like to be able to search for an EXACT phrase , e.g. "The Horse and Hounds" without

Jonathon Green commented
Same problem. Currently searching on 'up to slum' (= knowing, aware). Cannot isolate examples of phrase even though advanced search offers box for 'exact search'.
Anonymous commented
These people at Ancestry.com (IMO) do not refine their search engine on purpose, so as to increase / maintain revenue. It really isn't good. What your asking for should be easy. However I must say OCR records are decidedly flaky... Over the years they have progressively restricted (on their flagship website) search results; example census information on a street has gone, and now only the household available...